Afghan Youth for Peace and Women Empowerment Organization
Women & Community Empowerment, Access to Justice & Security and Peace Activism
Women & Community Empowerment, Access to Justice & Security and Peace Activism
Afghan Youth for Peace and Women Empowerment Organization was founded in 2014 and registered with ministry of economic in early 2017 as non governmental and non for profit independent organization dedicated to:
Peace Building: AYPWEO works to inspire and influence the people of Afghanistan, both men and women, to participate and engage in peace building and conflict prevention, mediation, and resolution.
Good Governance: In contributing towards improvement of governance, AYPWEO aims to increase transparency and accountability of government institutions for the use of public resources and policies. AYPWEO strengthens communities by engaging them in the government processes, implementation, monitoring of government activities.
Access to Security: AYPWEO focuses community watch initiative, community policing, law enforcement institutions monitoring, Institutional Collaboration with the MOIA, outreach to target population for raising awareness, and Targeted Advocacy/Engaging Law Enforcement agencies and personnel.
Advocacy: AYPWEO aims to strengthen the engagement of civil society organizations, available networks and platforms to lobby and advocate for improved access to justice. AYPWEO focuses for lobbying and advocating improved court oversight, behavioral change justice actors, as well as judges respect human rights.
Human Rights: Peace and good governance are critical to ensuring respect for human rights. AYPWEO takes a rights-based approach to development by implementing programming that aims to empower all people of Afghanistan to know and exercise their rights as Afghan citizens regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or other factors.
Capacity Building: AYPWEO focuses on providing capacity building programs for both formal and informal justice institutions as means to provide the formal and informal justice system actors with the tools to take active roles as agents of change in their respective institutions and communities. AYPWEO provides capacity building trainings on a range of topics related to human rights, good governance, advocacy, leadership, management, accountability on national and sub-national levels.
Consultations: AYPWEO focuses on collecting views/comments/feedback's of all Afghan citizens on draft laws, regulations, by laws, and procedures in order to provide government and parliamentarians effective feedback on drafts as well as incorporating all Afghans viewpoints through conducting consultations.
Traditional dispute resolution: AYPWEO’s efforts at further strengthening the role and importance of TDR in Afghanistan can be assessed through its efforts undertaken for the formulation and drafting of a ‘Law on Conciliation’ in Afghanistan.